Review of The Dead Game on by Rhonda Cratty

THE DEAD GAME by Susanne Leist

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How This Technology Is Helping Businesses Reach Their Full Potential
How This Technology Is Helping Businesses Reach Their Full Potential
By Microsoft Cloud 
Microsoft Cloud is enabling organizations to reimagine what’s possible.


A secret place.

A place to hide.

To call your own.

Far from the madding crowd.

To think.

Perhaps to dream.

Of better times.

Of better lives.

Of choices.

Important decisions.

To escape.

Into the darkness.

Of your own mind.

And be you.


zodiacke: Beast by Klaus Wittmann

The beast within.

Each one of us has

a beast lurking inside.

Waiting to be free.

Free to wreck havoc.

To seek revenge.

Yearning to be free.

We must tame the savage beast.

Refuse to let it take control

of our lives and our hearts.

We must soothe the savage beast.

Or we risk becoming one ourselves.


Torn between two lives.

What you want.

And what others want of you.

A tough balancing act.

Full of uncertainty.

How to keep balance?

How to walk the fine line?

Do you cut yourself into half

like in the tale of Solomon?

Can you please everyone?

No. You can’t.

You must please yourself first.

Then you can solve the rest of

the world’s problems.

Balance carefully.

And balance wisely.


<br /> A Castle by genetrix205</p> <p>What a beautiful castle.<br /> What secrets has it seen?<br /> Is it deserted, or<br /> do people live there?<br /> And if so, what are their live like?<br /> And what about the people<br /> who have lived there in the past?<br /> Did they have grand parties?<br /> Or did they have sad lives and now haunt the castle?<br /> So many possibilities. <br /> There’s no limit to your imagination.


What a beautiful castle.

What secrets has it seen?

Is it deserted, or

do people live here?

And if so, what are their lives like?

And what about the people

who have lived here in the past?

Did they have grand parties?

Or did they have sad lives and now haunt the castle?

So many possibilities.

There’s no limit to your imagination.