


My mind is foggy today.

I need to clear the cobwebs.

Throw out the excess garbage.

The bad thoughts.

The worries.

All to the wind.

And think of a pretty place.

Where the birds chirp and play.

Where the mountains soar high.

Where windows bring in the light.

I can lift my face to the sun.

To the beauty of life.

To the smell of grass.

To the puffy white clouds.

I’m there right now.

Come and join me.



Moon light by  FairieGoodMother on deviantART

What if one day, the moon refuses

to remain in second place?

What if it gets tired of the sun?

The sun owning the day.

The sun lifting people’s spirits.

Giving warmth to the planet.

Having its face reflected in the ocean.

The moon might rise up,

and take control of the day.

But would it look strange?

Would it glow like the sun?

Would it give warmth?


The moon should remain where it belongs,

as the shadow of the night.

Its assigned place in the universe.


The sun begins to set.

There are scurrying sounds

as the animals prepare for the night.

But the old elephant stands in his place.

He doesn’t need to move.

He has everything he needs

right in front of him.

He keeps a watchful eye

on the other animals.

But he stands in his place.


Does life feel like a prison at times?<br /> Holding you back from exploring the world.<br /> Keeping you stuck in one place.<br /> When you want to be free to find<br /> new adventures and people.<br /> When I feel this way, I want<br /> to break free from the bars<br /> holding me in place.<br /> Let’s break these bars and<br /> try something new—anything new<br /> that we haven’t done before.

Does life feel like a prison at times?Holding you back from exploring the world.

Keeping you stuck in one place.

When you want to be free to find

new adventures and people.

When I feel this way, I want

to break free from the bars

holding me in place.

Let’s break these bars and

try something new—anything new

that we haven’t done before.