bloody moon

Welcome to Wolf’s house of horrors, where anything is possible. Be careful where you step. Alligators live below.

      Judy, Gregg, and Ryan were blocking the front door of Wolf’s house, waiting until Sam arrived with reinforcements. They were insisting that they were only following the sheriff’s strict orders, but Todd was impatient to be inside already.

     He didn’t have to wait long. Sam arrived with Father John as his sole backup. Todd was shocked to see only the two of them. “How are we going to free Linda? Where is our vampire backup?” He knew that there was no way they could be successful without adequate supernatural support.

     “Leanne, Diane, and Reece are coming. They told me to go in and check out the situation. Hayden will be here soon,” Sam said.

     Todd charged up the steps, pushing his way between the three human vampires. Inside he spotted Shana, Mike, David, and Louise, standing close together in the hall. He turned to Sam. “I thought I’d told you to steer clear of humans. How did they find out so quickly?”

     Shana stepped forward. “Each one of us received a note requesting our presence at Wolf’s house. Sam didn’t tell us.” She threw Todd a cold, angry look.

     “I’m sorry,” Todd said.

     Todd turned to march down the hall and began issuing orders. “I’ll go in first and then the rest of you can follow. We’ll first check out the alligator tank. Take my lead and make no abrupt decisions on your own. Linda’s life is at stake.” He led the way through the house until they reached the alligator pool. He suspected that Linda and Maxell were there: alligators would be easy weapons. Just as he suspected, Maxell was standing in front of the open alligator tank.

     From the corner of his eye, Todd saw movement from above. He looked up and was startled to find Linda suspended by a rope hanging from the glass-domed ceiling. She was hanging above the alligator-filled water, a  snake coiled around her neck.





Linda had been hanging over a tank of alligators, suspended by a poisonous snake. How much worse could things get for the residents of Oasis? Were they finally safe? Were The Dead gone from town?  

      Linda was snatched from the body of the large snake by Reece, who had flown up to her. He brought her down into Todd’s waiting arms.

     “I hope all the evil in town has been eliminated. Am I correct this time?” Todd asked the elders.

     You haven’t been correct once so far. Mike shook his head.

      Reece said, “I believe all the evil has been taken care of. You can all go home.”

     “Where was Hayden during all this?” Sam asked.

     “We sent him to Europe to take care of a few matters for us. We knew that either you or Sam would resolve this situation,” Reece said, walking over to shake Todd’s hand.

     “How did you know that one of us would be stepping in to save everyone? I was waiting for Hayden. I was trying to buy us some time,” Todd said.

      You were just lucky this time. If you had really tried, then things wouldn’t have worked out so well.

     “I knew that one of you would be successful, since you both have untapped powers that need to be further developed,” Reece said.

      “What type of powers?” Mike asked.

      “That’s for another day,” Reece said. He then disappeared with Leanne and Diane right behind him.

     Mike looked over at Todd and Sam, trying to figure out what these untapped powers could be.



Linda was saved from the snake and the tank of alligators. But more dangers were in store for Linda and her friends. Whom could they trust?

     Linda was snatched from the body of the large snake by Reece, who had flown up to her. He brought her down into Todd’s waiting arms.

     “I hope all the evil in town has been eliminated. Am I finally correct this time?” Todd asked the elders.

     You haven’t been correct once so far, Mike said to himself.

     Reece said, “I believe all the evil has been eradicated. You can all go home.”

     “Where was Hayden during all this?” Sam asked.

     “We sent him to Europe to take care of a few matters for us. We knew that either you or Sam would successfully resolve this situation,” Reece said, walking over to shake Todd’s hand.

     “How did you know that one of us would be stepping in to save everyone? I was waiting for Hayden. I was only attempting to buy us some time,” Todd said.

     You were just lucky this time. If you had really tried, then things wouldn’t have worked out so well.

     “I knew that one of you would be successful, since you both have untapped powers that need to be further developed,” Reece said.

     “What type of powers?” Mike asked.

     “That’s for another day,” Reece said before he disappeared with Leanne and Diane right behind him.

     Mike glanced over at Todd and Sam, trying to figure out what these untapped powers could be.


bloody moon

Welcome to Wolf’s house of horrors, where anything is possible. Be careful where you step. Alligators live below.

      Judy, Gregg, and Ryan were blocking the front door of Wolf’s house, waiting until Sam arrived with reinforcements. They were insisting that they were only following the sheriff’s strict orders, but Todd was impatient to be inside already.

     He didn’t have to wait long. Sam arrived with Father John as his sole backup. Todd was shocked to see only the two of them. “How are we going to free Linda? Where is our vampire backup?” He knew that there was no way they could be successful without adequate supernatural support.

     “Leanne, Diane, and Reece are coming; they told me to go in and check out the situation. Hayden will be here soon,” Sam said.

     Todd charged up the steps, pushing his way between the three human vampires. Inside he spotted Shana, Mike, David, and Louise, standing close together in the hall. He turned to Sam. “I thought I’d told you to steer clear of humans. How did they find out so quickly?”

     Shana stepped forward. “Each one of us received a note requesting our presence at Wolf’s house. Sam didn’t tell us.” She threw Todd a cold, angry look.

     “I’m sorry,” Todd said.

     Todd turned to march down the hall and began issuing orders. “I’ll go in first and then the rest of you can follow. We’ll first check out the alligator tank. Take my lead and make no abrupt decisions on your own. Linda’s life is at stake.” He led the way through the house until they reached the alligator pool. He suspected that Linda and Maxell were there: alligators would be easy weapons. Just as he suspected, Maxell was standing in front of the open alligator tank.

     From the corner of his eye, Todd saw movement from above. He looked up and was startled to find Linda suspended by a rope hanging from the glass-domed ceiling. She was hanging above the alligator-filled water, a huge snake coiled around her neck.

     Sam and Father John stepped forward, but Todd motioned for them to move back. He moved forward. “Why are you doing this? You didn’t have to join with the evil forces in town. Our town used to be quiet and pleasant. We could have that again. You could remain a vampire or join with a human.”

     “‘Quiet and pleasant’ means boring. I would rather die than live an uneventful and boring life in a small unknown town.”

     Mike was thrilled that he’d finally found a woman after his own heart. Too bad she was going to be killed.


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When Linda and her friends entered Wolf’s house,

they had no idea what was waiting for them.

They passed through a gallery of portraits with

eyes that monitored their every movement.

Then they heard splashing sounds below their feet.

Shana looked down and found alligators swimming beneath them.

They were standing on a glass floor above a pool of

alligators, who were feeding and leaving

bloody trails in the water.

After the trees began to lift their mighty

roots to run after them, they knew that they

had to escape this crazy place.

They didn’t know if Wolf was a demon or

an illusionist, but they had to run for their lives.

The Dead Game by Susanne Leist





They were led to rooms to the left of the main entrance. They entered an empty dining room with green colored wallpaper on its dreary walls. Just like End House with its eerie bare green walls. At the rear of the house was ahuge kitchen, which was empty of any furniture, appliances,or even doors to the cabinets.

“I don’t spend much time at home,” Wolf said to explain the useless dining room and kitchen. He then directed them back through the gallery, to the rooms on the right side of the house. The first room turned out to be a greenhouse, full of plants and trees. The air was very humid and much hotter than the other rooms. The plant life grew wild, without any concern for design or pattern. A narrow path snaked through the thick forest of bushes to the back.

The trees were huge and tall, their tops almost reaching the high domed ceiling. Squawking sounds echoed from somewhere inside the tight growth of trees. Leaves rustled while scurrying noises emanated from inside the thick knots of branches. Shana didn’t see any animals or birds, but only spotted leaves and branches moving in unison with the sounds. She was becoming more and more unnerved by the minute.

Then she heard a weird crunching sound by her feet. She looked down at the floor and was shocked to find alligators snapping at her feet. Their jaws were wide open, their black eyes staring up at her from a deep pool of green water. She jumped back in shock. Then she began to realize that the floor on which they stood was clear glass, separating them from the snapping alligators. She watched as the alligators munched on pieces of food that left bloody trails behind them in the water.

“Don’t be afraid. They can’t reach you,” Wolf assured Shana. As he stared down at her, she noticed that his eyes were glowing bright green.

Like a reptile.